[MacPorts] #25640: X client owned by root has no access to PRIMARY in XQuartz 2.5.1 (xorg-server
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 12 11:38:52 PDT 2010
#25640: X client owned by root has no access to PRIMARY in XQuartz 2.5.1 (xorg-
Reporter: Peter_Dyballa@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: xorg-server-devel |
Comment(by Peter_Dyballa@…):
I am indeed using the xorg-server-devel port on Leopard (10.5.8, PPC), and
before I launched the recently built xorg-server it was all OK.
So I thought at once that this server version introduced a bug. Actually
it seems that I was wrong, because going back to shows the same
behaviour. And launching an earlier version of GNU Emacs 24.0.50 (from a
Time Machine backup – nice thing that I can see the whole file systems on
the command line!) also shows no change. What seems to make a difference
is the customisation applied during Emacs' start – there was an instance
that the PRIMARY selection worked. When it worked X resources were not
substituted by an internal struct (an Elisp "alist"). In this area code
changes happened, were removed, were applied, were...
BTW, GNU Emacs 24.0.50 compiled with libraries from /opt failed exactly
the same way. With GCC 4.2.
Temperature here is a bit lower than last night, so I'll try other Emacsen
(23.2, 22.3) and also find by bi-secting the init files a possible cause.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/25640#comment:4>
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