[MacPorts] #14590: liboss: compile errors in soundcard.h
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 21 17:02:05 PDT 2010
#14590: liboss: compile errors in soundcard.h
Reporter: madcap@… | Owner: pguyot@…
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Component: ports
Version: 1.6.0 | Resolution:
Keywords: liboss | Port:
Changes (by blaisethom@…):
* status: closed => reopened
* resolution: worksforme =>
Replying to [comment:3 None]:
> Milestone Port Bugs deleted
I've just had the same problem running on MacOSX 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard).
liboss installs fine. Then I make a test file:
// test.cpp
#include <liboss/soundcard.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
When I compile I get:
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h: In function ‘int ioctl(int, long
unsigned int, ...)’:
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h:341: error: ‘int ioctl(int, long
unsigned int, ...)’ was declared ‘extern’ and later ‘static’
/usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:97: error: previous declaration of ‘int
ioctl(int, long unsigned int, ...)’
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h: In function ‘int open(const char*,
int, ...)’:
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h:352: error: ‘int open(const char*,
int, ...)’ was declared ‘extern’ and later ‘static’
/usr/include/sys/fcntl.h:427: error: previous declaration of ‘int
open(const char*, int, ...)’
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h: In function ‘int close(int)’:
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h:363: error: ‘int close(int)’ was
declared ‘extern’ and later ‘static’
/usr/include/unistd.h:422: error: previous declaration of ‘int close(int)’
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h: In function ‘int write(int, const
void*, size_t)’:
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h:365: error: declaration of C
function ‘int write(int, const void*, size_t)’ conflicts with
/usr/include/unistd.h:513: error: previous declaration ‘ssize_t write(int,
const void*, size_t)’ here
/opt/local/include/liboss/soundcard.h:365: error: ‘int write(int, const
void*, size_t)’ was declared ‘extern’ and later ‘static’
/usr/include/unistd.h:513: error: previous declaration of ‘ssize_t
write(int, const void*, size_t)’
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