[MacPorts] #25759: sshfs cannot find 'fuse' but 'macfuse' is installed
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 26 13:01:37 PDT 2010
#25759: sshfs cannot find 'fuse' but 'macfuse' is installed
Reporter: george@… | Owner: dports@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: | Port: sshfs
Comment(by george@…):
yes that was the complete 'port contents macfuse' output.
perhaps there was an attempt to install the headers & libraries in
/opt/local/ with failure (but no stop) because that dir doesn't exist?
In 6 years of using macports in an alternate $PREFIX, I've had one other
package fail because of it, TexShop I believe, and it was fixed.
uninstalled macfuse and ran port -d install macfuse 2>&1 see attached
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/25759#comment:7>
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