[MacPorts] #20956: openjdk6: build fails on Snow Leopard with error during "corba-build"
noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 3 04:48:51 PDT 2010
#20956: openjdk6: build fails on Snow Leopard with error during "corba-build"
Reporter: dmz@… | Owner: landonf@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.8.0
Keywords: | Port: openjdk6
Comment(by johnsonlaucn@…):
Replying to [comment:36 dmz@…]:
> Just FYI; building with the new portfiles on my MacBook Pro (Core i7)
worked fine, except for two things:
> 1. The first time I tried it, it timed out while downloading one of the
various chunks it has to download during the build process (obviously not
the portfile's fault).
> 2. When it finished building, it had built the 64-bit VM (in .../build
/bsd-amd64), but for some reason attempted to _install_ from
.../build/bsd-i586. Changing the last line of the portfile to replace
bsd-i586 with bsd-amd64 and rebuilding the port installed it successfully.
Just uploaded an updated version of Portfile that replacing the bsd-i586
with a variable {targetdir}. The problem should have been solved by this.
Besides, I've added a new patch patch-dock-args to ignore both -Xdock:name
and -Xdock:icon which can be set by the command line and causes JVM stop
from launching in OpenJDK.[[BR]]
-Xdock:name and -Xdock:icon are two acceptable options for Apple's JVM
which can be used to change the name and icon of a Java application showed
on the dock.[[BR]]
Applications like NetBeans may use them. However, OpenJDK doesn't support
them and will exit immediately with complaining about unrecognizable
The patch simply ignores these options and allows the applications
continue loading.[[BR]]
Event patched, I've tried and confirmed that launching NetBeans dev with
OpenJDK is an impossible job on Mac.[[BR]]
There may be other problems with NetBeans on Mac.[[BR]]
And LANG="C" is also appended to build.args to make sure JDK's makefiles
won't complain about the LANG setting - It requires LANG="C".[[BR]]
I don't know if this is necessary for macports. Hope there's someone else
who can decide this other than me.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/20956#comment:38>
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