[MacPorts] #17540: poppler conflicts with xpdf
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 9 03:29:21 PST 2010
#17540: poppler conflicts with xpdf
Reporter: gale@… | Owner: ricci@…
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: conflict
Port: poppler xpdf |
Comment(by gale@…):
Due to this bug, the xpdf versions of the pdf tools have now disappeared
from my system, and I can't get them back with the current port versions.
This is a critical showstopper issue for me; please fix it as soon as
possible. Thanks. In the meantime, I have reverted xpdf to r70558 and
temporarily blocked it from further upgrade in my personal upgrade script.
Replying to [comment:23 ricci@…]:
> I'd suggest that the poppler-tools alter the binary and man page names
to reflect their origin (as they came later than the xpdf tools).
As an expansion on this idea, let me suggest a simple way forward that I
think would solve the problem for everyone:
1. Rename the binary and man page names to reflect their origin for
*both* xpdf and poppler. This allows the original ports to build the tools
as before, without conflict, and without the risk of causing someone data
loss by unknowingly running the wrong binary.
1. Optionally, create two new nearly-trivial ports:
a. xpdf-tools, depends on xpdf, conflicts with poppler-tools
a. poppler-tools, depends on poppler, conflicts with xpdf-tools
Each of these *-tools ports merely creates symlinks to the traditional
This requires no significant change to the existing ports, so it's really
easy to implement.
It allows anyone to use whichever version of the tools they need,
optionally even with the
traditional names.
And there is no risk of confusion or conflict.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/17540#comment:25>
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