[MacPorts] #27233: p5-mailtools: update to version 2.07
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 9 19:38:41 PST 2010
#27233: p5-mailtools: update to version 2.07
Reporter: larry+macports@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: haspatch | Port: p5-mailtools
Description changed by ryandesign@…:
Old description:
> The latest CPAN release of the MailTools module is version 2.07, released
> 2010-10-01.
> I'm attaching a couple of patches to update the portfile. The first
> simply changes the whitespace. The second contains the real substantive
> changes, which are:
> 1) Update the version
> 2) Add a license tag
> 3) Volunteer myself as maintainer
> 4) Update the description and long_description (using a suggestion from
> the author himself that this module is not well-suited for new projects,
> only legacy projects)
> 5) Updated checksums
> 6) Added a dependency on p5-timedate
New description:
The latest CPAN release of the MailTools module is version 2.07, released
I'm attaching a couple of patches to update the portfile. The first simply
changes the whitespace. The second contains the real substantive changes,
which are:
1. Update the version
2. Add a license tag
3. Volunteer myself as maintainer
4. Update the description and long_description (using a suggestion from
the author himself that this module is not well-suited for new projects,
only legacy projects)
5. Updated checksums
6. Added a dependency on p5-timedate
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27233#comment:1>
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