[MacPorts] #27205: kmymoney4 won't start
noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 10 16:50:08 PST 2010
#27205: kmymoney4 won't start
Reporter: strassh@… | Owner: mk@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: | Port: kmymoney4
Comment(by strassh@…):
Sorry, my last post was a mistake.
KMyMoney4 works well if I launch from the terminal :
It doesn't work from the icon in the Applications/Macports/KDE4/ directory
the first time. But now it works well... don't know why.
So this issue is solved for me. Thanks !
@mk: My feedback on the problems you listed :
So far known problems are:
- oxygen icon theme is not found by the app
=> The icons seems to work well here, what icon are you referring to ?
Maybe it's because I have the oxygen-icons port installed, I remember that
it wasn't listed in the dependencies needed to be installed for kmymoney4.
- reports let the app hang
=> I opened some reports, I didn't notice any hangs.
- some fonts seem to be missing, since layout looks inhomogenious
=> The app doesn't look as nice as on KDE, but it's better integrated
than the 1.0.5 one running using X11, maybe we should now work with the
KMyMoney team on this, I'll see what info I can give them.
- kmm_banking plugin doesn't work
=> I don't use that (I don't even know what's that suppose to do) so I
didn't test it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27205#comment:12>
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