[MacPorts] #27264: [qtoctave-mac ] [0.9.1] [Status 1 encountered during processing.]
noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 12 01:50:11 PST 2010
#27264: [qtoctave-mac ] [0.9.1] [Status 1 encountered during processing.]
Reporter: kaushal07me@… | Owner: and.damore@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: | Port: qtoctave-mac
Comment(by kaushal07me@…):
Actually before using Mac-Ports I tried to install QT-Octave from the
source code and it failed because of the same reason. I had installed QT
4.7, but Cmake could not recognize it and so I had uninstalled Qt 4.7 and
installed Qt 4.6 which Cmake recognized quite well. But while compiling
Qt-Octave from the source, C-make could not find Qt files. As I could not
find the solution to that problem, I tried to install Qt-octave using Mac-
This is where I think Qt came from.
Now, what should I do?
Replying to [comment:11 and.damore@…]:
> CMakeCache.txt that is generated in configure phase has several
references to Qt3 and has the following line
> {{{
> QT_LIBRARY_DIR:INTERNAL=/Library/Frameworks
> }}}
> I'll have a look to how set up cmake to correctly configure the package.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27264#comment:12>
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