[MacPorts] #27283: IRRToolSet
noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 18 13:49:32 PST 2010
#27283: IRRToolSet
Reporter: fclaire@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: | Port: irrtoolset
Comment(by ryandesign@…):
Replying to [comment:4 fclaire@…]:
> We're using 2 different versions of Mac OSX: [[br]]
> [snip] [[br]]
> Maybe it's compiling OK with version 10.6.5 and not with 10.6.4 ?
I updated to Mac OS X 10.6.5.
> Next, in you config.log there's always a -pipe option for the g++
compiler while I don't have any. Here's the diff of our Makefiles: [[br]]
> [snip] [[br]]
> Maybe the -pipe option is making troubles.
I have "configurepipe yes" in my macports.conf. This is the default for
MacPorts 1.9 and greater. Your config file must say "configurepipe no",
which was the default before.
> Could you give a try with a "use_parallel_build no" line in the
Portfile ?
Updating to 10.6.5, setting "configurepipe no" in macports.conf, and
disabling the parallel build did not change the outcome. New config.log
and Makefile are attached.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27283#comment:5>
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