[MacPorts] #26381: git-core (and python26 and I assume others as well) fail to install with too many nested evaluations error
noreply at macports.org
Tue Sep 7 08:42:29 PDT 2010
#26381: git-core (and python26 and I assume others as well) fail to install with
too many nested evaluations error
Reporter: macports@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: git-core python26 | Port: xorg-libX11
Comment(by spyro@…):
Replying to [comment:2 macports@…]:
> So is there any way around this while that issue gets sorted? I'm just
trying to get git installed on my system, and really don't care about the
X11 components at this stage. I won't be using the graphical git tools
anytime soon.
My temporary solution to this problem was to do the following workaround:
1. Open a terminal window[[BR]]
2. Enter the following (without quotes): "export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano" (or
/usr/bin/edit if you have textwrangler installed)[[BR]]
3. Enter the following (without quotes): "sudo port edit xorg-
4. Scroll down to the line " port:xorg-libxcb \ " (you will
find it under depends_lib)[[BR]]
5. Delete the line [[BR]]
6. Press ctrl+o to write the file[[BR]]
7. Press ctrl+x to exit[[BR]]
8. You may now compile things again!
Keep in mind that this is only a temporary solution. The real solution
would be for someone to fix this dependency loop. I spent about 4 hours
today trying to figure my way out around this problem and dug up a
solution on my own. For new macports users (and veterans doing a fresh
install) it really is a showstopper.
I love macports - it makes my life without linux much easier, and I
greatly appreciate the hard work of everyone who contributes to this
project. It sure would be nice if there was some way to regression test
these changes to the port tree before they go out into the wild.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/26381#comment:3>
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