[MacPorts] #26399: mongodb install fails with dependency error
noreply at macports.org
Tue Sep 7 19:43:18 PDT 2010
#26399: mongodb install fails with dependency error
Reporter: chad@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: | Port: mongodb
Old description:
> i've run port selfupdate already. trying to install the mongodb port, i
> get this (truncated, b/c the output is huge):
> sudo port -d install mongodb
> DEBUG: Changing to port directory:
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/databases/mongodb
> DEBUG: OS darwin/10.4.0 (Mac OS X 10.6) arch i386
> DEBUG: org.macports.load registered provides 'load', a pre-existing
> procedure. Target override will not be provided
> DEBUG: org.macports.unload registered provides 'unload', a pre-existing
> procedure. Target override will not be provided
> DEBUG: org.macports.distfiles registered provides 'distfiles', a pre-
> existing procedure. Target override will not be provided
> DEBUG: Using group file
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/_resources/port1.0/group/archcheck-1.0.tcl
> DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/_resources/port1.0/variant_descriptions.conf
> DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
> DEBUG: Starting logging for mongodb
> DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
> DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 exists in the ports tree
> DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 is the latest installed
> DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 is active
> DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
> DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
> DEBUG: Changing to port directory:
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/devel/boost
> ...snip...
> DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib
> DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for zlib
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xrender
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xrender
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: freetype
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: freetype
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: fontconfig
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: fontconfig
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: expat
> DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for expat
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: pkgconfig
> DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-libX11
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-libX11
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-renderproto
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-renderproto
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: pkgconfig
> DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
> DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-util-macros
> DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-util-macros
> DEBUG: too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)
> while executing
> "lshift args"
> (procedure "try" line 7)
> invoked from within
> "try {
> seek $fd $offset
> gets $fd line
> set name [lindex $line 0]
> set len..."
> (procedure "mportlookup" line 23)
> invoked from within
> "mportlookup $dep_portname"
> Error: Internal error: port lookup failed: too many nested evaluations
> (infinite loop?)
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
New description:
i've run port selfupdate already. trying to install the mongodb port, i
get this (truncated, b/c the output is huge):
sudo port -d install mongodb
DEBUG: Changing to port directory:
DEBUG: OS darwin/10.4.0 (Mac OS X 10.6) arch i386
DEBUG: org.macports.load registered provides 'load', a pre-existing
procedure. Target override will not be provided
DEBUG: org.macports.unload registered provides 'unload', a pre-existing
procedure. Target override will not be provided
DEBUG: org.macports.distfiles registered provides 'distfiles', a pre-
existing procedure. Target override will not be provided
DEBUG: Using group file
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from
DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
DEBUG: Starting logging for mongodb
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 is the latest installed
DEBUG: boost 1.44.0_0 is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory:
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for zlib
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xrender
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xrender
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: freetype
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: freetype
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: fontconfig
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: fontconfig
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: expat
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for expat
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: pkgconfig
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-libX11
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-libX11
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-renderproto
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-renderproto
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: pkgconfig
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for pkgconfig
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: xorg-util-macros
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: xorg-util-macros
DEBUG: too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)
while executing
"lshift args"
(procedure "try" line 7)
invoked from within
"try {
seek $fd $offset
gets $fd line
set name [lindex $line 0]
set len..."
(procedure "mportlookup" line 23)
invoked from within
"mportlookup $dep_portname"
Error: Internal error: port lookup failed: too many nested evaluations
(infinite loop?)
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
Comment(by ryandesign@…):
Please use WikiFormatting.
Is this a duplicate of #26387? Has this already been fixed by r71286?
Please "`sudo port selfupdate`" and try again.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/26399#comment:1>
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