[MacPorts] #24942: py26-numpy 1.4.1 undefined symbols in lapack_litemodule
noreply at macports.org
Mon Sep 20 04:45:04 PDT 2010
#24942: py26-numpy 1.4.1 undefined symbols in lapack_litemodule
Reporter: and.damore@… | Owner: mcalhoun@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.99
Keywords: | Port: py26-numpy
Comment(by michaelld@…):
"/opt/local/bin/gfortran" is being used because no fortran compiler shell
environment variable is being set (F77, F90, others), so numpy's setup.py
script is going off and seeing what it can find. numpy will look for
'[g]fortran[-mp][-X[.Y]]' and other names. If some fortran is found, it
will be used to link in the linalg module only; if not, then the linking
is reverted back to Apple's GCC. One can get around this issue by setting
F77=${configure.fc} in build.env, or, in the case of numpy since these
modules require only indirect GCC library linking, we could use
F77=/usr/bin/gcc (or whatever MP's name for that compiler is). Setting
F77 would at least partially take care of a couple tickets (e.g., #26419)
where numpy finds '/usr/bin/gfortran', so it is a good idea.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/24942#comment:16>
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