[MacPorts] #26684: Removal of gtk2-clearlooks port because it is integrated into gtk-engines2.
noreply at macports.org
Thu Sep 30 13:45:46 PDT 2010
#26684: Removal of gtk2-clearlooks port because it is integrated into gtk-engines2.
Reporter: mbroemme@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: request | Status: new
Priority: Low | Milestone: MacPorts 2.0.0
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: remove gtk2-clearlooks | Port:
I think it would be great if it is possible to drop gtk2-clearlooks port
because it is integrated into gtk-engines2 which is available too as port.
The original website mentioned this too:
It isn't only confusing people on building port of GTK+2 for X11 it is
also incompatible with +universal. If you try to build gtk2-clearlooks
with +universal it will build only 64-bit engine which is incompatible
with 32-bit compiled applications like Firefox.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/26684>
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