[MacPorts] #30120: NetCDF 4 c++ headers.
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jul 10 16:54:22 PDT 2011
#30120: NetCDF 4 c++ headers.
Reporter: f.baart@… | Owner: takeshi@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: netcdf
Comment(by f.baart@…):
I checked a build with and without --enable-cxx-4 and the old header files
are always there, so it's not likely to break anything build against the
old header files.
It is not useful if netcdf-4 is not used, because in the configure.ac
enable-cxx is disabled if netcdf-4 is not enabled:
if test "x$enable_netcdf_4" = xno; then
So the --enable-cxx-4 flag can be set when the netcdf-4 variant is used.
No need for an extra variant.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30120#comment:4>
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