[MacPorts] #29917: Fuse4X: add port
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 13 12:58:35 PDT 2011
#29917: Fuse4X: add port
Reporter: anatol.pomozov@… | Owner: dports@…
Type: submission | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: fuse4x fuse4x-kext fuse4x-framework
Comment(by anatol.pomozov@…):
> Seems to be working on Leopard now.
Does it mean that <sys/vmparam.h> helped? Are there any other issues? If
not - I'll merge proposed fixes to master and start preparing for 0.8.7
> I am a bit worried that we will hit the "vnode reclaim in progress"
kernel panic; I didn't test it enough to know whether that'll be an issue.
The change comes from Tuxera repository. Macfuse patched by Tuxera works
for many people who uses Leopard. But if you see any issues with it - let
me know, we'll try to fix it.
> one of the problems was that I needed to add the <sys/vmparam.h> include
to fuse/include/fuse_param.h as well.
Sure I'll do this once it is clear that <sys/vmparam.h> is a correct fix.
I also have a check in the build script that makes sure "common" files are
the same in kext and libfuse
https://github.com/fuse4x/fuse/blob/master/build.rb#L33 If they are
different the final distribution (*.pkg) won't be built.
> because both of them want to install $prefix/include/fuse.h in the same
I had to be more clear - macports and fuse can exist in the runtime
(different device filenames, different dynamic libraries), so *users* can
install both these packages. But filesystem developers can install only
one of the packages as both of them provide the same header files.
The reason for that is that there are few "unofficial" versions of
macports that fix different bugs I would like to avoid problems when
installing fuse4x instead of this macfuse breaks some software.
Additionally fuse4x removes libsem and some functions implementation from
libfuse to make it more clear and compatible with upstream fuse. fuse4x
uses 64bits inodes by default, while macfuse uses 32bits inodes - many
function signatures has been changed. Of course you can patch libfuse at
the build time and make it almost ABI-compatible with macfuse.
I would prefer to migrate the filesystems to fuse4x one by one. Thus we
have some time to fix possible bugs in fuse4x.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/29917#comment:39>
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