[MacPorts] #30174: centerim - update to 4.22.10
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jul 14 21:31:05 PDT 2011
#30174: centerim - update to 4.22.10
Reporter: miwi@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: update | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: haspatch | Port: centerim
Comment(by miwi@…):
Replying to [comment:2 ryandesign@…]:
> In r80554 I made you the maintainer and indicated the license (including
the version of the license). That leaves the version update. But when I
looked at the port, I didn't like its existing variants. It has an +msn
variant (which enables msn support) and an +allproto variant (which
enables msn and yahoo support). For both variants, the only added
dependency is curl. I would much prefer if the port would just enable
support for all protocols all the time, without requiring the user to mess
with variants. I've attached a
[attachment:centerim.ryandesign.novariants.diff proposed patch].
please go with this patch.
> Alternately, if the variants are to be kept, they should be cleaned up.
It does not make sense that msn support is available separately but yahoo
support is not. One option is for msn and yahoo support to each be their
own variants. The allproto variant can be kept for now to facilitate
upgrades, and removed later. I've attached a
[attachment:centerim.ryandesign.cleanervariants.diff patch implementing
this proposal] which also factors out common code from the variants.
Another choice would be to have a single variant which enables both msn
and yahoo support, since once you add one, there is no additional cost for
also building the other. I did not write a patch for this option.
> Separately, what do you want to do about the centerim-devel port? Do you
want to keep that updated with newer development versions of centerim, or
should we declare it dead and mark it `replaced_by centerim`?
the development is very slow, we should declare it dead.
thx for the rework,
- Martin
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30174#comment:3>
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