[MacPorts] #29917: Fuse4X: add port
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jul 24 00:17:01 PDT 2011
#29917: Fuse4X: add port
Reporter: anatol.pomozov@… | Owner: dports@…
Type: submission | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: fuse4x fuse4x-kext fuse4x-framework
Comment(by anatol.pomozov@…):
Replying to [comment:44 dports@…]:
> Here are my current thoughts:
> * we are not going to replace macfuse with fuse4x, at least not right
away. Both should be available as options; we might also have a port for
OSXFUSE. At some later point, if it doesn't look like there are any
problems, we can consider changing the default or marking macfuse as
OSXFUSE was started by Benjamin after I told him that I work on fuse4x and
asked him join the project. He rejected my proposal and started osxfuse. I
hate when political reason overweights the technical one.
> * we do not need to support having more than one FUSE implementation
installed, so it's OK if the ports conflict with each other on fuse.h. In
fact, it may be better that way because there won't be any question about
which one a given filesystem is using. Renaming the header files sounds
like it could cause a significant compatibility issue for filesystems.
> * the fuse4x ports shouldn't conflict with an installation of MacFUSE
installed outside of MacPorts. It doesn't look like they will, which is
great since an improvement over the macfuse port.
It is true
> I don't think they will conflict with a standalone Fuse4X installation.
They will conflict - standalone and macport fuse4x will conflict in
filesystem type and device files (/dev/fuse4xNN).
> * existing filesystem ports should be able to build against either
macfuse or fuse4x. This will take some changes but (I think) not major
ones. I've already put together a patch for sshfs.
It is better to replace sshfs by this one https://github.com/fuse4x/sshfs
It is also updated to 2.3.0
> * I'd wanted upgrading from macfuse to fuse4x to not require rebuilding
filesystems, but I think that's unrealistic. There are substantive
differences between the two, like the fact that MacFUSE has semaphore
emulation and Fuse4X doesn't (FWIW, I agree with you that it shouldn't!).
So it's OK if switching requires a rebuild.
It be better to check filesystems that they do not use semaphores from
fuse. It can be done by "nm BINARY_FILE | fuse_sem_". And if one uses it -
just add semaphores to the filesystem's compat/ like here
> All of this argues that we're basically in good shape with the portfiles
as they are now. I need to test a couple more filesystems, and it would be
good to have a release with the Leopard/Lion compatibility fixes I sent
you. I also haven't tested anything that uses the Obj-C framework yet.
Other than that, I should be able to commit it soon.
I have a computer with Lion and I'll run my test suite early next week.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/29917#comment:45>
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