[MacPorts] #30347: Slow upgrade 2.0.0: images_to_archives.tcl processing?
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jul 24 14:30:01 PDT 2011
#30347: Slow upgrade 2.0.0: images_to_archives.tcl processing?
Reporter: ejtttje@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: | Port:
When processing the images_to_archives.tcl script, it reports:
"This could take a while..."
True enough, the problematic part is that it uses only minimal CPU during
this time, which may lead users to believe something has gotten hung up
and attempt some kind of 'corrective' measure. I have to admit, I was
*just* about to stop the process and re-run this script manually when it
finally kicked out literally at the last second.
I'm not sure what this process is doing, perhaps it is doing something
disk-heavy and hence very little CPU is involved?
My suggestion is to provide some kind of ongoing progress indicator,
beyond the 'take a while' warning, to assure users the upgrade hasn't
stalled. Thanks!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30347>
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