[MacPorts] #30346: qt4-mac: trouble with libqcorewlanbearer.dylib (OS X 10.7)
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 25 05:04:41 PDT 2011
#30346: qt4-mac: trouble with libqcorewlanbearer.dylib (OS X 10.7)
Reporter: m.haller@… | Owner: michaelld@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: lion | Port: qt4-mac
Comment(by michaelld@…):
There's probably a way to make the corewlan.pro patch more generic, by
moving it into the Portfile as a 'reinplace'. I don't know about the other
change, since I don't have 10.7 yet.
I'm traveling right now, and probably won't be able to download / install
Lion until early August. So, unless someone can come up with a patch in
the interim, folks will just have to be patient for a few weeks until I
can get to this ticket. I grant permission for others to checkin fixes for
this ticket, if/as appropriate.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30346#comment:7>
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