[MacPorts] #30373: Activating ports, /tmp/mpextract
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 25 14:47:26 PDT 2011
#30373: Activating ports, /tmp/mpextract
Reporter: ryan@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: | Port:
I'm trying out unprivileged port installation onto an NFS volume. Some of
the ports work fine, and others fail during activation with an error
similar to:
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: could not read
"/tmp/mpextractRaNdMsTr/my/nfs/vol/share/some/file": no such file or
The random string after mpextract changes every time I invoke port. I was
able to install (with activation) expat, gperf, and zlib. openssl reports:
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: could not read
"/tmp/mpextractbwThfU1Z/my/nfs/vol/share/man/man3/bn_print.3ssl.gz": no
such file or directory
The error referenced a log file which reported:
:error:activate Target org.macports.activate returned: could not read
tractbwThfU1Z/my/nfs/dir/share/man/man3/bn_print.3ssl.gz": no
such file or directory
:debug:activate Backtrace: could not read
"/tmp/mpextractbwThfU1Z/my/nfs/dir/share/man/man3/bn_print.3ssl.gz": no
such file or directory
When the port command was running in one shell, I ran in another:
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_print.3ssl.gz -ls
49783049 8 lrwxrwxrwx 1 scf wheel 19 Jul 25 14:37
/tmp/mpextractZPRfhjbH/my/nfs/dir/share/man/man3/bn_print.3ssl.gz ->
I repeated the search for bn_internal and, while the activation was
underway in one shell, on some invocations it was there and on some it was
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_internal.3ssl.gz -ls
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_internal.3ssl.gz -ls
49786216 16 -r--r--r-- 1 scf wheel 4626 Jul 25 13:52
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_internal.3ssl.gz -ls
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_internal.3ssl.gz -ls
# find /tmp/mp* -name bn_internal.3ssl.gz -ls
ncurses had similar trouble.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30373>
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