[MacPorts] #29645: Update bzr-fastimport to 0.10+bzr310 or above

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon May 30 04:36:44 PDT 2011

#29645: Update bzr-fastimport to 0.10+bzr310 or above
 Reporter:  macports.org@…             |       Owner:  macports-tickets@…                   
     Type:  update                     |      Status:  new                                  
 Priority:  Normal                     |   Milestone:                                       
Component:  ports                      |     Version:  1.9.2                                
 Keywords:  bzr fastimport             |        Port:  bzr-fastimport                       
 bzr fastimport 0.10 was released in March, two more checkpoints (+bzr311-1
 for Natty and +bzr317-3 for Oneiric) were released in late April and early
 May respectively.

 fastimport 0.9 and base 0.10 sometimes generate a broken fastimport file,
 which results in {{{Expected committer but didn't get one}}} when trying
 to import it in git. It seems this issue was fixed in
 [http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-fastimport/trunk/revision/310 rev
 310], according to [https://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng/issues/19 git-bzr
 issue 19] (linked from [https://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng/issues/14
 issue 14 of the same])

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/29645>
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