[MacPorts] #14139: xinstall needs to support recursion

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 1 23:22:28 PDT 2011

#14139: xinstall needs to support recursion
 Reporter:  rhwood@…             |       Owner:  macports-tickets@…                   
     Type:  enhancement          |      Status:  new                                  
 Priority:  Normal               |   Milestone:  MacPorts Future                      
Component:  base                 |     Version:  1.7.0                                
 Keywords:                       |  

Comment(by ian@…):

 To stoke the fire I've just added a patch that brings Facter to 1.6.2 and
 Puppet to 2.7.6.

 It seems like the `--destdir` and `--configdir` options to `install.rb` do
 enough of the right thing in 2.7.6 to be passable.  I've removed all the
 `reinplace`'s accordingly.  I've noticed that `puppet master --genconfig`
 outputs everything without `${prefix}`, but I wouldn't consider that a
 show stopper.  I'll submit a patch upstream for it.  If anyone feels it
 needs to be addressed from the get go I can attack it with Ryan's
 suggested `@PREFIX@` approach.

 I also dropped the `xinstall` of `${prefix}/var/puppet/rrd` as I was
 building up from what wasn't working for me.  I can add it back with
 Ryan's suggested `destroot.keepdirs` fix as needed.

 I added copying of the config examples to
 `${prefix}/share/examples/puppet/etc/puppet`.  I was going to add all the
 examples, but then I realized `xinstall` doesn't recurse directories
 (Ticket #14139).  Is there a preferred way to handle a sizable tree

 There are so many ways to setup puppet that I'm curious to get people's
 input on whether default config and startup items would be desired, and if
 so what should they look like?  For my initial use case I'm just using
 `puppet apply` on demand instead of `puppet master` and `puppet agent`.
 Perhaps startup items for the master and agent daemons, configured for
 localhost only, with a manifest that otherwise does nothing, would add
 some warmth and fuzziness to the port?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/14139#comment:3>
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