[MacPorts] #23684: libtool @2.2.6b installs sometimes lack dylibs

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 3 23:47:22 PDT 2011

#23684: libtool @2.2.6b installs sometimes lack dylibs
  Reporter:  gnwiii@…          |       Owner:  ryandesign@…           
      Type:  defect            |      Status:  new                    
  Priority:  Normal            |   Milestone:                         
 Component:  ports             |     Version:  1.8.2                  
Resolution:                    |    Keywords:                         
      Port:  libtool           |  
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

  * owner:  boeyms@… => ryandesign@…
  * status:  reopened => new


 I brought the issue up with the developers of libtool on their mailing
 list, and [http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-
 libtool/2011-10/msg00027.html Peter O'Gorman's reply] was that this is a
 bug in libtool's build. libtool's build looks for a fortran compiler, and
 when it finds one, but it is broken, it takes note of the fact that the
 fortran compiler cannot build shared libraries, but this mistakenly
 overrides the earlier detection that the C and C++ compilers ''are'' able
 to (and should) create shared libraries. Peter provided a solution to
 prevent libtool from attempting to locate a fortran compiler, which in
 MacPorts we never want libtool to be doing anyway.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/23684#comment:8>
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