[MacPorts] #31855: lcms2: Checksums fails because an HTML file was downloaded

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 8 08:38:59 PST 2011

#31855: lcms2: Checksums fails because an HTML file was downloaded
 Reporter:  ChuplesKai+devel@…          |       Owner:  adfernandes@…           
     Type:  defect                      |      Status:  new                     
 Priority:  Normal                      |   Milestone:                          
Component:  ports                       |     Version:  2.0.3                   
 Keywords:                              |        Port:  lcms2                   
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

 * cc: ryandesign@… (added)


 Replying to [comment:2 ChuplesKai+devel@…]:
 > Ope, sorry, my bad... I got it from http://packages.macports.org/lcms

 No; that's where our precompiled archives come from. That's not where
 distfiles come from.

 > It says that the mismatch file "appears to be HTML"... so I guess it
 could be something as small a documentation or something.  I hope that's

 It would be more helpful to see exactly what is in the file
 (/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/lcms2/lcms2-2.2.tar.gz). Can you open
 it in a text editor and tell us what it says? Or attach it to this ticket?

 Replying to [comment:3 ChuplesKai+devel@…]:
 > After messing around with it for a little while, I discovered I had no
 problems of getting the lcms2 port installing as long as I don't use
 +universal.  The +universal variant, however, seems to be problematic...
 and I've discovered no insights as to why.

 That makes sense. When not using the universal variant, you're getting our
 precompiled binary from packages.macports.org. But we don't have
 precompiled binaries with universal variants yet, so when you request the
 universal variant, it can't find a package, and so it tries to compile it
 on your computer, by first downloading the distfile, with which it's
 having a problem.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31855#comment:4>
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