[MacPorts] #32012: squid 2.7.STABLE9 needs one more arg in configure.args

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 10 07:28:26 PST 2011

#32012: squid 2.7.STABLE9 needs one more arg in configure.args
 Reporter:  scott@…              |       Owner:  macports-tickets@…                   
     Type:  enhancement          |      Status:  new                                  
 Priority:  Normal               |   Milestone:                                       
Component:  ports                |     Version:  2.0.3                                
 Keywords:  OSX Server 10.6      |        Port:  squid                                
 In trying to use squid as a reverse SSL proxy, it appears that it needs to
 be compiled with the --enable-ssl option. I was able to make that change
 myself to the local Portfile, such that diff reports:

 hq:squid root# diff Portfile Portfile.orig
 < configure.args  --enable-ssl \
 <                 --with-pthreads \
 > configure.args  --with-pthreads \

 Once I did this, did a "port uninstall squid" then redid a "port install
 squid", I was successfully able to call "squid -z" to create the swap
 files, where previously I would receive an error something like "unknown
 token: https_port".

 Here's (roughly) what I use in squid.conf

   ## Reverse Proxy Configuration.
   https_port 8080 cert=/path/to/cert key=/path/to/key
 defaultsite=my.site.com vhost
   cache_peer parent 9999 0 no-query originserver ssl login=PASS
   acl sites_server_1 dstdomain my.site.com
   cache_peer_access my allow sites_server_1

 So, based on that, seems like it should be a part of the configure.args.
 First time creating a ticket here, please forgive likely ignorance in the
 ticket process.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32012>
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