[MacPorts] #32011: protobuf-python26: error: 'google/protobuf/descriptor.h' file not found

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 10 09:32:20 PST 2011

#32011: protobuf-python26: error: 'google/protobuf/descriptor.h' file not found
 Reporter:  thekilon@…            |       Owner:  blair@…           
     Type:  defect                |      Status:  assigned          
 Priority:  Normal                |   Milestone:                    
Component:  ports                 |     Version:  2.0.3             
 Keywords:                        |        Port:  protobuf-python26 

Comment(by thekilon@…):

 Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
 > You are certain the error "error: 'google/protobuf/descriptor.h' file
 not found" is the same when using llvm-gcc-4.2? That file should have been
 provided by dependency protobuf-cpp (was it? -- check with "`port contents
 protobuf-cpp`") and I was going to guess the error was because you're
 using clang, and [http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-
 dev/2011-August/015543.html clang doesn't use CPATH / LIBRARY_PATH], but
 that wouldn't affect llvm-gcc-4.2.

 yes ryan the file does exist, and yes it reports the same error, don't
 know why it can't compile it. Maybe blair does ;) thank you both for
 responding so quickly.

 I was trying to compile mypaint on Lion and came against this error but
 even if i try to install it separately again I get the error.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32011#comment:5>
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