[MacPorts] #32027: pianobar @2011.11.11-1 Update pianobar to 2011.11.11 build

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 14 16:57:31 PST 2011

#32027: pianobar @2011.11.11-1 Update pianobar to 2011.11.11 build
  Reporter:  zheaton@…          |       Owner:  aguynamedryan+pianobar@…        
      Type:  update             |      Status:  closed                          
  Priority:  Normal             |   Milestone:                                  
 Component:  ports              |     Version:  2.0.3                           
Resolution:  fixed              |    Keywords:  haspatch                        
      Port:  pianobar           |  
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 Replying to [comment:5 aguynamedryan+macports@…]:
 > pianobar-2011.11.11.diff works for me,

 Committed in r87249.

 > though I don't understand why distfiles are preferred over fetching via
 git.  Is there some documentation on this?

 When you fetch from a version control system instead of a distfile, we
 cannot use checksums to verify the distfile's integrity and verify that it
 has not changed since the port was written. And if there is no distfile we
 cannot mirror it on our network of distfiles servers. This means if the
 original server goes down, the port can no longer be fetched or built.

 zheaton's patch specified the git.branch to use, but if, like many port
 authors, you forget to specify the branch or revision, then the build is
 not reproducible: users building the port one day get different software
 than users building the port another day, though the port version has not
 changed. This is what the guide means when
 it says "fetching via (a version control system) may cause non-
 reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged"]

 The buildbot (and the distfiles mirror) lives on a restricted network that
 can only fetch from http and https URLs, so when fetch from a different
 kind of URL (i.e. a git: URL or an ftp: URL) the buildbot cannot fetch the
 port and thus cannot build it. (Many GIT repositories are thankfully
 available at http: or https: URLs.)

 See also [http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-
 dev/2011-October/016569.html a recent message on macports-dev] in which
 Landon, who first added to MacPorts the ability to fetch from CVS,
 reiterates his feeling that doing so was a mistake and that it should not
 be used in its present form.

 Therefore, if at all possible, let's use distfiles instead of fetching
 from a version control system.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32027#comment:6>
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