[MacPorts] #31171: building gcc46 on osx lion fails

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 14 19:13:56 PST 2011

#31171: building gcc46 on osx lion fails
 Reporter:  okpail@…          |       Owner:  mww@…           
     Type:  defect            |      Status:  new             
 Priority:  Normal            |   Milestone:                  
Component:  ports             |     Version:                  
 Keywords:                    |        Port:  gcc46           

Comment(by bradskins@…):

 I followed the directions on this post:


 With a couple changes:

 1.  I used gcc 4.6.2 instead of 4.6.1
 2.  The dependencies were installed using macports
 3.  All occurrences of $HOME/my_gcc were replaced with /opt/local
 4.  My --program-prefix='' and my --program-suffix=-mp-4.6

 After 'make install' Macports can use gcc 4.6.2.  Some advanced things
 that don't work quite right are:

 1.  Auto parallelization with Graphite
 2.  Basic auto parallelization with cloog
 3.  Using march=corei7-avx

 Happy hacking!


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31171#comment:29>
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