[MacPorts] #32138: dnsmasq @2.59_1 does not respect it's own notes

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 20 02:00:09 PST 2011

#32138: dnsmasq @2.59_1 does not respect it's own notes
 Reporter:  nonstop.server@…          |       Owner:  snc@…           
     Type:  defect                    |      Status:  assigned        
 Priority:  Normal                    |   Milestone:                  
Component:  ports                     |     Version:                  
 Keywords:                            |        Port:  dnsmasq         

Comment(by nonstop.server@…):

 Replying to [comment:2 ryandesign@…]:
 > Replying to [ticket:32138 nonstop.server@…]:
 > > However after a successfull installation or upgrade of dnsmasq the
 startup item gets loaded regardless of entering the load command.[[BR]]
 > > The startup item gets loaded under the launched of user root after the
 first reboot of the system when dnsmasq is installed or upgraded.
 > That's not how launchd works, based on my understanding, so I can't
 explain why that's happening for you. But I also haven't tested it myself.
 This is the only installed port with a startup item on my system which has
 this behavior.[[BR]]
 There is a difference with ports like denyhosts or rsync, which also use a
 startup item that only gets loaded after the user issues the load
 Those two ports use a daemondo wrapper along with a launchd.plist and this
 works as the creation message of the launch control script states at
 Except for the difference in using a daemondo support script I'm unable to
 come up with a reason why this is happening.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32138#comment:3>
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