[MacPorts] #32218: nodejs: OpenTransportProviders.h:108: error: parse error before numeric constant

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 23 20:46:49 PST 2011

#32218: nodejs: OpenTransportProviders.h:108: error: parse error before numeric
 Reporter:  rudloff@…            |       Owner:  ciserlohn@…           
     Type:  defect               |      Status:  new                   
 Priority:  Normal               |   Milestone:                        
Component:  ports                |     Version:  2.0.3                 
 Keywords:  tiger                |        Port:  nodejs                
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

 * cc: ciserlohn@… (removed)
 * cc: ryandesign@… (added)
  * owner:  macports-tickets@… => ciserlohn@…


 From the nodejs discussion group I already know that
 nodejs 0.6.2 crashes on Leopard]; getting it to work on Tiger is probably
 even more problematic. If you want to use nodejs (which is extremely
 modern and rapidly-evolving software) without risk of it breaking all the
 time, my recommendation would be to use a modern operating system (i.e.
 Lion or Snow Leopard).

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32218#comment:1>
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