[MacPorts] #30688: cannot install ogre

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 30 08:00:54 PST 2011

#30688: cannot install ogre
 Reporter:  newchief@…            |       Owner:  mmoll@…           
     Type:  defect                |      Status:  new               
 Priority:  Normal                |   Milestone:                    
Component:  ports                 |     Version:  2.0.1             
 Keywords:                        |        Port:  ogre              

Comment(by marin.saric@…):

 One line answer: I think ogre-static can be renamed ogre and replace the
 current ogre port as v1.7.3 revision 3.

 Long answer:

 I think Cg Framework integration should work without problems now but I
 have not tested extensively. The only prerequisite is that Ogre is
 installed after Cg.framework. However, if there is any problems I promise
 to fix them promptly.

 Upsides of static build: no dependency hell, deployed binaries just work,
 regardless of whether the end user has MacPorts installed or not.

 Downside: the port does not "react" to user upgrading the install with new
 libraries. Same goes for deployed binaries. In theory code written for
 OGRE should support both installs, as it is literally just a few extra
 lines of code. In practice some people omit the static code, betting on
 people having a shared library code installed as default.

 Overall I think upsides outweigh the downsides. In the future I hope to
 deploy both libraries in one port, but that requires some changes upstream
 that I hope to squeeze in before 1.8 is out.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30688#comment:25>
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