[MacPorts] #31222: fftw3f does not have the fortran bindings. sfftw
noreply at macports.org
Mon Sep 12 06:24:39 PDT 2011
#31222: fftw3f does not have the fortran bindings. sfftw
Reporter: clirakis@… | Owner: ram@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: | Port: fftw-3-single
Comment(by ram@…):
Replying to [comment:3 clirakis@…]:
> Will variants give me any other choices other than fftw-3-single? I
assume that this port just enables the --enable-single flag in the fftw
configure script. If so, this should have the fortran bindings in it.
The fortran bindings are only enabled if you specify one of the gcc
variants otherwise there is no fortran compiler available as Xcode doesn't
incude a fortran compiler. If you look at the port the --disable-fortran
flag is passed unless one of the gcc variants is used.
> I am using the xcode mac version of gcc. I don't happen to be next to my
mac right now. I believe it is gcc 4.1.2 but I'm not sure, BTW gfortran is
also the apple xcode variant.
Xcode doesn't contain a fortran compiler, so if you are not using one of
the gcc variants that will explain why the fortran bindings aren't being
built. What do you mean by gfortran being an Xcode variant?
> Yes the version of fftw that I downloaded off the website was 3.1.2 and
when I compile it, the bindings do exist so I'm pretty sure it doesn't
have anything to do with the compiler.
In that case it seems that you have a fortran compiler, where did you get
it from? Where is it installed?
> Is there a way I can substitute my compiled version and make ports think
it installed a copy of fftw?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31222#comment:4>
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