[MacPorts] #28523: sshguard-ipfw @1.4 request to update port to version 1.5
noreply at macports.org
Sat Apr 21 10:56:48 PDT 2012
#28523: sshguard-ipfw @1.4 request to update port to version 1.5
Reporter: nonstop.server@… | Owner: nefar@…
Type: update | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: fixed | Keywords: net, security
Port: sshguard-ipfw |
Comment(by pixilla@…):
Replying to [comment:7 raramayo@…]:
> Question:
> I have " sshguard-ipfw @1.4_0 (active)" installed in all my machines
Sorry if I was not clear enough. I have added a _NEW_ port named sshguard.
This new port is configured to use either ipfw or pf depending on which
firewall your OS shipped with.
Here is what you can do to switch to the new port:
$ sudo port unload sshguard-ipfw
$ sudo port deactivate sshguard-ipfw
$ sudo port install sshguard
$ port notes sshguard
The notes show you that you can edit prefix/etc/sshguard/options to add
additional logs to monitor and prefix/etc/sshguard/whitelist to whitelist
ip addresses and host names.
When you are ready:
$ sudo port load sshguard
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/28523#comment:9>
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