[MacPorts] #35434: octave-devel @3.4.3 build failure in Mac OSX 10.8
noreply at macports.org
Tue Aug 28 02:35:03 PDT 2012
#35434: octave-devel @3.4.3 build failure in Mac OSX 10.8
Reporter: vic@… | Owner: michaelld@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Keywords: mountainlion | Port: octave-devel
Comment(by g5pw@…):
Replying to [comment:39 michaelld@…]:
> The newest Portfile works for me under 10.8.0 in a basic sense; I cannot
get +fltk working yet, but I think that's a dependency issue -- fltk-devel
has worked well in the past and that part of the Portfile wasn't changed.
Took quite a while to coerce gcc47 to install, but I got it after a bit.
So, we're quite close IMHO.
I compiled the fltk variant successfully, but I don't know how to test
> If we're going to upgrade "octave" to use this new Portfile, then we
need folks out there verifying that many of the octave-* ports work with
it; not that they should, but that they do: install, "load inside Octave",
and execute as expected without significant errors. I do not use the
octave-* ports, but I will install, and try to use inside Octave during
runtime, a few just to see what happens.
I can do that, but this applies to octave-devel too! so we have to do that
anyway... I already updated one, I think the main problems will be that
we'll have to update a whole lot of the octave-* ports.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/35434#comment:40>
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