[MacPorts] #36910: Virtualbox @4.2.4 +vde2+vnc won't start VMs
noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 14 11:55:00 PST 2012
#36910: Virtualbox @4.2.4 +vde2+vnc won't start VMs
Reporter: and.damore@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: virtualbox |
Comment (by and.damore@…):
Replying to [comment:14 jeremyhu@…]:
> Please narrow this down to determine if the issue is from ld64 or
I just made a few tests:
* cctools, ld64, cctools-headers at r99184 yields a '''working'''
* cctools at HEAD, ld64 and cctools-headers at r99184 yields a
'''working''' virtualbox
* cctools and ld64 at HEAD, cctools-headers at r99184 yields a
'''broken''' virtualbox
> I think deactivating the old version, activating the new one, and using
'port install virtualbox' instead of 'port upgrade virtualbox' will handle
Since I guessed ld was using in building apple-gcc42 I went safe and
rebuilt the virtualbox as well in the script, I was doing other stuff and
giving a look at the results every now and then.
> Additionally, please check if the issue exists with just our version of
that port or if the issue exists in XCode 4.5.1 as well.
I don't understand what you mean. What is ''that port'' and what other
versions of a port exist?
> You can force apple-gcc42 to use XCode 4.5.1's linker by changing this
> /opt/local/libexec/apple-gcc42/gcc/i686-apple-darwin12/4.2.1/ld
> By default, that symlink points to ld provided by the ld64 port, but try
removing it and replacing it with a link to /usr/bin/ld (make sure you
have the latest version of Developer Tool's Command Line Tools installed
or you may have the XCode 4.4 version despite having XCode 4.5 installed).
You can similarly force XCode 4.5.1's assembler by modifying the as
symlink instead of the ld symlink.
Will do the test, I'm on 4.5.2 but have to check if I have the related
command line tool version, AFAIR when I updated those weren't available
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/36910#comment:15>
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