[MacPorts] #37382: util-linux @2.22 linux utility programs
noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 25 16:11:40 PST 2012
#37382: util-linux @2.22 linux utility programs
Reporter: soulyeller@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: util-linux |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* cc: ryandesign@… (added)
* port: => util-linux
Thanks, but there are some lint warnings:
$ port lint --nitpick
---> Verifying Portfile for util-linux
Warning: Line 9 has trailing whitespace before newline
Warning: Line 21 seems to hardcode the version number, consider using
${version} instead
Warning: Line 22 has trailing whitespace before newline
Warning: Line 22 seems to hardcode the version number, consider using
${version} instead
Warning: Line 48 has trailing whitespace before newline
---> 0 errors and 5 warnings found.
It does not install with the universal variant:
$ sudo port install +universal
---> Computing dependencies for util-linux
Error: Cannot install util-linux for the arch(s) 'i386 x86_64' because
Error: its dependency binutils does not build for the required arch(s) by
Error: and does not have a universal variant.
Error: Unable to execute port: architecture mismatch
And there appears to be a conflict with the getopt port:
$ sudo port install -- -universal
---> Computing dependencies for util-linux
---> Fetching distfiles for util-linux
---> Attempting to fetch util-linux-2.22.tar.gz from
---> Verifying checksum(s) for util-linux
---> Extracting util-linux
---> Configuring util-linux
---> Building util-linux
---> Staging util-linux into destroot
---> Installing util-linux @2.22_0
---> Activating util-linux @2.22_0
Error: org.macports.activate for port util-linux returned: Image error:
/opt/local/bin/getopt is being used by the active getopt port. Please
deactivate this port first, or use 'port -f activate util-linux' to force
the activation.
Please see the log file for port util-linux for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port util-linux failed
There is a problem with the documentation directory; it has been created
without execute permission (needs to be mode 755 not 644):
$ ls -l work/destroot/opt/local/share/doc/util-linux/
ls: rev.1: Permission denied
This loop is not correct:
xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/${path}.1
You loop for the variable `file` but then do not use the variable `file`
in the loop. You don't need a loop either; you can use `xinstall -W`:
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} README NEWS ChangeLog COPYING
AUTHORS ABOUT-NLS ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37382#comment:1>
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