[MacPorts] #37420: fizmo: Could not find libncursesw
noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 28 00:20:30 PST 2012
#37420: fizmo: Could not find libncursesw
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: Christoph.Ender@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Keywords: | Port: fizmo
fizmo doesn't build on the Snow Leopard buildbot. Here's the log from
0.7.6 but it's been happening for several versions:
During the configure phase it says:
checking for ncursesw... no
checking for /usr/include/ncurses.h... yes
checking for libncuresw in /usr/lib... no
checking for libncuresw in /usr/local/lib... no
checking for libncuresw in /opt/local/lib... no
Could not find libncursesw.
Try setting the location using --with-ncursesw-libdir.
For one thing, there is a typo in the message ("libncuresw" should be
But even ignoring that, this is peculiar since libncursesw should be
there; there should be no difference in ncursesw in MacPorts between
versions of OS X, and it builds fine on the Lion and Mountain Lion
buildbots, which simply say:
checking for ncursesw... yes
It also builds fine for me on my Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion test
The suggestion the configure script gives—to set --with-ncursesw-libdir
(and presumably --with-ncursesw-includedir)—shouldn't be necessary because
my understanding is that "checking for ncursesw" means "checking for
ncursesw ''using pkgconfig''" and pkgconfig should be giving the correct
answer. But for some reason on the Snow Leopard buildbot it's not. It
makes me think there's a problem with the pre-built pkgconfig or ncurses
binary for Snow Leopard. (I build from source on my test machine instead
of using the binaries.) I wish we had access to the work directory on the
buildbot so that we could read the config.log; unfortunately we don't.
Oddly neither of those ncursesw configure options are listed in
`./configure --help`; if they are valid options they should be listed
Another problem is that the fizmo configure script still exits with the
code 0 even though this problem occurred, so MacPorts tries to proceed to
the build phase, which fails with:
make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
I'm also not sure why the code in config-libs.m4 that checks for ncursesw
is trying to include jpeglib.h; that seems like a copy-pasto.
for dir in $with_ncursesw_libdir /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib
; do
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libncuresw in $dir)
[#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include "$ncursesw_h_dir/jpeglib.h"],
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37420>
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