[MacPorts] #33128: ntfs-3g 2011.4.12 update
noreply at macports.org
Mon Feb 6 03:57:04 PST 2012
#33128: ntfs-3g 2011.4.12 update
Reporter: and.damore@… | Owner: petri@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: haspatch | Port: ntfs-3g
Comment(by petri@…):
Replying to [comment:6 and.damore@…]:
> I wouldn't drop an error if mount.ntfs is present, I suggest to either
put the code to rename mount.ntfs in that ''if'' block, so to correctly
handle mount.ntfs presence, or to totally remove the check itself change
the Portfile again if needed.
I think mount.ntfs is something foreign, can I check for whether a
previous port version has had the file on a particular ports install in
some way (i.e., whether to touch the file, otherwise the option I'd go for
would be to just mention it being there, perhaps as a vestigial item from
an ancient ntfs-3g Portfile)?
> Also I see you've reverted dependency on port '''macfuse''' rather than
fuse4x and removed license, probably you used a different Portfile version
as base for editing.
> If you need the Portfile you have several options: you can download the
Portfile I initially attached, perform a sync as Brad suggested or check
the [http://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/fuse/ntfs-3g repository
browser] to see current portfile and its revisions.
No, syncing (even after rm -rf:ing fuse/ntfs-3g) didn't help, but thanks
for the repo browser link.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33128#comment:7>
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