[MacPorts] #33226: omniORB @4.1.6 +python27 New upstream version and python version
noreply at macports.org
Sun Feb 12 21:34:26 PST 2012
#33226: omniORB @4.1.6 +python27 New upstream version and python version
Reporter: lockhart@… | Owner: stromnov@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: haspatch | Port: omniORB
Comment(by lockhart@…):
Replying to [comment:4 cal@…]:
> Replying to [comment:3 lockhart@…]:
> > OK, thanks for the feedback. How are ports updated for new upstream
versions? Is opening a ticket like this the right way to do it? 4.1.6 has
been available since 2011-07-01 and it would be nice to stay current with
what is available.
> Yes, that's the way we usually take if the maintainer doesn't update the
port or there is no maintainer.
> >I'll look at making the compiler choice conditional and post new
patches, and carry along my own local ports repository to allow more
testing. More feedback and direction is welcome.
> You're on the right way, if you implemented the compiler change pattern
Ryan mentioned your patch should be ready for committing. Btw, if you
attach a patch feel free to add "haspatch" to keywords. Also we usually cc
or assign to the maintainer if there is any. There's no need to cc
yourself, because the reporter is always cc'ed (we're not the debian
bugtracker here…) and the milestone field is only really interesting for
bugs against base, because there is only one version of the ports tree and
it's being upgraded in a rolling release fashion.
OK, I'm not sure I've found the right combination of checks for the
compiler and xcode version. In the recipes there is the
minimum_xcodeversion which I can use to constrain a single OS X release to
a specific version of xcode. But I don't see how to obtain the actual
version of xcode to be able to constrain it for Lion only. The recipe
whose title suggests that this would be covered does not seem to actually
address it. So at the moment I've got a disjointed set of checks: one for
a minimum xcode only for Lion, and setting the compiler to llvm-gcc-4.2 if
the compiler is currently set to clang. But the concern was that I only
set this if we are on Lion. Help!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33226#comment:5>
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