[MacPorts] #33105: help2man: error: perl module Locale::gettext required
noreply at macports.org
Mon Feb 13 12:23:18 PST 2012
#33105: help2man: error: perl module Locale::gettext required
Reporter: raramayo@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: | Port: help2man
Comment(by raramayo@…):
Replying to [comment:5 ecronin@…]:
> {{{
> :debug:main perl5.12 5.12.3_3 exists in the ports tree
> :debug:main perl5.12 5.12.3_3 +threads is the latest installed
> :debug:main perl5.12 5.12.3_3 +threads is active
> }}}
> +threads is not the default for perl5.12, and w/ or w/o threads changes
the directory name where perl looks for modules and where modules get
installed (see source:trunk/dports/lang/perl5.12/Portfile#L82), so I would
guess that you initially installed perl5.12 and p5.12-locale-gettext, and
then installed perl5.12 +threads. Uninstalling p5.12-local-gettext and
rebuilding/installing it with perl5.12 +threads active put the modules
where your current perl is looking for it.
You are right. In this machine I did just that. I forgot to install
+threads and then uninstalled everything, all perl ports including perl
itself and then started clean with +threads. But somehow, I run into
help2man problems here and this was the only machine that gave me this
I guess somehow I assumed that uninstalling and cleaning and then re-
installing was going to eliminate this kind of problems. Obviously I must
have messed up at some point...
> This situation is bad/confusing enough, but it just occurred to me that
as stands this is unfixable when installing using pre-built packages-- the
buildbot builds p5.12-locale-gettext against perl5.12 -threads, which
contains different and incompatible files from p5.12-locale-gettext built
against perl5.12 +threads, even though both have identical
names/versions/variants for p5.12-locale-gettext... You lucked out
because there is only an x86_64 package for p5.12-locale-gettext on
packages.macports.org, but if someone installed p5.12-locale-
gettext-1.50.0_6.darwin_10.x86_64.tbz2 on top of perl5.12 +threads perl
would not see the module despite macports thinking everything was fine
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33105#comment:6>
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