[MacPorts] #33256: pypy: Disable parallel build because gcc uses too much memory
noreply at macports.org
Wed Feb 15 09:48:44 PST 2012
#33256: pypy: Disable parallel build because gcc uses too much memory
Reporter: macports.org@… | Owner: jmr@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: | Port: pypy
Comment(by macports.org@…):
Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
> Apple will never ship a version of GCC newer than 4.2.1 because GCC
changed its license to GPL 3 and Apple does not like that license. As of
Xcode 4.2, there is no GCC in Xcode; with Xcode 4.0 and 4.1 we use llvm-
gcc-4.2 instead of GCC; in Xcode 4.2 we use clang.
> In other ports that use lots of memory like this at compile time, I've
simply disabled the parallel build. See #29547. We could potentially
revisit whether we should only do that when the compiler is GCC.
An alternative could be to force `gcc` to 4.0 (in 10.6 `cc` is gcc 4.2,
but 4.0 is also available, not sure about 10.7) for these problematic
ports if it's compatible, that's what I ended up doing (manually) in order
to compile pypy, via ` configure.cc=gcc-4.0`.
Disabling parallel build work, although it's probably not as good since
Pypy's translation already burns through a fuckton of RAM without taking
gcc in account (hitting gcc's bug still results in the GCC process growing
to the gigabyte range)
Side-note, I saw that translating pypy 1.8 via 1.7 was disabled in the
portfile (while looking into knobs to get my translation working), I tried
re-enabling it and it worked without any issue (using macport's 1.7, not a
separate source checkout or anything).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33256#comment:2>
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