[MacPorts] #32994: build of valgrind 3.7.0 on Leopard fails; gcc version not detected properly
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jan 26 00:15:57 PST 2012
#32994: build of valgrind 3.7.0 on Leopard fails; gcc version not detected properly
Reporter: mrosenstihl@… | Owner: raimue@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: leopard | Port: valgrind
Comment(by mrosenstihl@…):
Replying to [comment:2 raimue@…]:
> Hm, the configure script also says this:
> {{{
> # jseward 21 Sept 2011: I seriously doubt whether V 3.7.0 will
> # on OS X 10.5.x; I haven't tested yet, and only plan to test
> # on 10.6.8 and 10.7.1. Although tempted to delete the
> # time support for 10.5 (the 9.* pattern just below), I'll leave
> # in for now, just in case anybody wants to give it a try. But
> # assuming that 3.7.0 is a Snow Leopard and Lion-only release.
> }}}
> Can you tell if valgrind works correctly on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard?
I hardly use it. Though a test with a small program of mine seems to give
reasonable results.
If it is not supported on Leopard maybe it should give a warning when
installing, or offer an older version.
Kind regards,
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32994#comment:3>
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