[MacPorts] #34495: Binary archives for perl modules assume perl is built without threads
noreply at macports.org
Tue May 22 09:59:00 PDT 2012
#34495: Binary archives for perl modules assume perl is built without threads
Reporter: cmc@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version: 2.1.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment(by ecronin@…):
There is actually
1a. All Perl module ports are "broken" in that the contents of the port
with an identical name/version/variants vary (in incompatible ways) based
on what perl port is active at the time the module is installed. As I
said in the first comment, you have exactly the same issues in an all-
source-build environment when you switch from perl -threads to perl
+threads-- every installed perl package becomes silently broken with no
indication that anything is wrong or how to fix it.
1b. The package being served up from the buildbot will always be incorrect
for a significant number of users in a very confusing manner
Until 1a is addressed (see mailing list discussions recently about
revamping our perl ports, hopefully this would finally be addressed as
part of that) would a good solution to 1b be to use the "archive_sites {}"
trick in the perl5 portgroup to prevent binary packages from the buildbot
being downloaded? Most perl modules are a quick build, and it seems far
better to make everyone spend a few more seconds installing p5.12-foo and
getting something that works than to have half the users get broken
packages like this ticket reported. And as a stopgap the perl ports
should have a post_activate notes warning that all installed perl modules
need reinstalling and what the command to do that is.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/34495#comment:4>
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