[MacPorts] #34635: Skrooge will not run in MacPorts
noreply at macports.org
Sun May 27 07:32:37 PDT 2012
#34635: Skrooge will not run in MacPorts
Reporter: ron@… | Owner: mk@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.1
Keywords: | Port: skrooge
Comment(by ron@…):
Thanks Marko,
Sorry about the "Owned By" blunder, I'll remember next time.
Skrooge downloads and installs for me every time flawlessly (no errors, no
broken files) but, no matter what, always refuses to load, on a couple of
occasions I've managed to get it (bare bones) on screen but as soon as I
move to any menu it disappears from the desktop.. The best I can now get
is a momentary viewing of the startup "Skrooge 1.3" Flash Screen..
Just to satisfy myself that it's not my system I have installed KmyMoney4
which runs perfectly OK.
I shall be away between the 28th May and 1st June just in case any
contacts are not responded to between those dates.............
Best Regards,
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/34635#comment:4>
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