[MacPorts] #37035: plplot: change no_x11 variant to x11 variant
noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 21 23:28:02 PST 2012
#37035: plplot: change no_x11 variant to x11 variant
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: takeshi@…
Type: enhancement | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: plplot |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* status: closed => reopened
* resolution: fixed =>
Thanks but there are a couple problems. You didn't move the X11-related
dependencies into the x11 variant, and you didn't add code to help users
who had previously selected the no_x11 variant maintain that selection
when upgrading. Previously, the no_x11 variant removed the tk and pango
dependencies, so theoretically those dependencies should be moved from the
global part of the portfile into the new x11 variant. That's what the
attached patch does. I haven't committed it though because in my main
MacPorts prefix plplot still ends up linked with tk and pango even without
the x11 variant. And in a secondary MacPorts installation that defaults to
quartz and no x11 and doesn't have tk installed, the build with my patch
failed with this error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/quartz-mp/lib/libtk.dylib', needed
by `bindings/tcl/libplplottcltkd.9.2.0.dylib'. Stop.
Without my patch, it does install tk and then build successfully.... but
is still linked with X11, despite the -x11 variant selection.
Previously the no_x11 variant changed PLD_xcairo and PLD_tk from ON to
OFF, and removed TK_INCLUDE_PATH and TK_LIBRARY, and added PLD_xwin=OFF
and ENABLE_tk=OFF. So when inverting the variant meaning, I would have
expected these definitions to simply swap from the -append to the -delete
line and vice versa. Instead the new x11 variant also turns PLD_xfig from
OFF to ON, and does not mention PLD_xwin or TK.
If you intended to make these other changes, then my only confusion is
that surely there should be a difference in dependencies between +x11 and
-x11, or else why have a variant at all.
Is the reason for the changes that the tk and pango ports themselves also
offer an x11 variant? If so, note that on Leopard and older, tk does not
offer quartz and x11 variants, and always builds x11.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37035#comment:2>
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