[MacPorts] #37113: Compiling with gcc43 on PPC Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4.11) produces warnings
noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 23 14:01:16 PST 2012
#37113: Compiling with gcc43 on PPC Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4.11) produces warnings
Reporter: Peter_Dyballa@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Keywords: | Port: gcc43
Trying to compile with gcc-mp-4.3/g++-mp-4.3 GNU Emacs 24.3.50 leads to
warnings like:
GNU C (MacPorts gcc43 4.3.6_3) version 4.3.6 (ppc-apple-darwin8)
compiled by GNU C version 4.3.6, GMP version 5.0.4, MPFR version
warning: GMP header version 5.0.4 differs from library version 5.0.5.
warning: MPFR header version 3.1.0-p3 differs from library version
GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072
Apple Inc version cctools-806, GNU assembler version 1.38
I have installed
gmp @5.0.5_0 (active)
mpfr @3.1.1-p2_0 (active)
Is it necessary and efficient to rebuild gcc43?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37113>
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