[MacPorts] #36984: fetchmail - BUG in libdispatch client - ML 10.8.2
noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 26 22:56:33 PST 2012
#36984: fetchmail - BUG in libdispatch client - ML 10.8.2
Reporter: srothe@… | Owner: pmq@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: fetchmail |
Comment (by matthias.andree@…):
I am the current upstream maintainer of fetchmail, am unaware of MacOS X
idiosyncrasies beyond the mere fact that it exists, and causes irritation
with GCD idiosyncrasies and recent MacOS X regressions.
Having said that, I also know nothing of otool or .dylibs or any of that
stuff, and I do not care to learn any of that stuff, or obtain MacOS X.
I have not got the faintest clue as to why a single-threaded application
needs to deal with threading garbage. Very irritating.
Documentation on this GCD requirement (keep file descriptor open, how to
avoid GCD altogether, ...) is scarce and/or hard to find.
I looked around Apple's developer docs, googled for quite a while without
coming up with anything substantial, except that a few ported applications
are also trapped by these GCD file descriptor idiosyncrasies, and
apparently GCD has recently gotten in the fad of killing applications
rather than just complaining.
I find it strange that a UNIX-derived system is now breaking a UNIX
application that has been around for far more of a decade -- and I am a
bit alienated by the whole story:
1. apparently the whole issue only appears if NLS (through
gettext/libintl) is in use. LC_ALL=C appears to avoid it, according to
srothe@'s reports.
2. apparently the operating system forces underdocumented premature
threading stuff on my single-threaded application
3. apparently the operating system also imposes open file descriptors on
my single-threaded application.
4. Documentation on this GCD requirement (keep file descriptor open, how
to avoid GCD altogether, ...) is scarce and/or hard to find.
What I need is:
1. I need to be able to close all file descriptors in the daemonize()
functionm before and/or after close()ing all open file descriptors. That
is how Unix has worked for ages, this is required to let go of controlling
terminals and thereabouts so we can thoroughly detach from the process
that launched fetchmail in order to go in the background.
2. How do I avoid the system forcing additional constraints on my
application that are in direct violation of relevant standards (details
3. How do I determine when this descriptor needs to remain open, and which
one it is?
I am not ready to break my application for other Unices just because one
OS acts up and imposes restrictions that violate the Single Unix
Specification aka. IEEE Std 1003.1;
If MacOS X believes I must not close its special file descriptor, it is
required, that it - when I call close(SPECIAL_MACOS_FILE_DESC) - sets
errno = EBADF and returns -1, rather than kill the application.
Now, how can we resolve the mess without depriving end users of
established fetchmail functionality (such as NLS or background/daemon
mode) that they could successfully use in earlier MacOS X 10.n versions?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/36984#comment:9>
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