[MacPorts] #38732: gcc48 is broken by configure-timespec.patch
noreply at macports.org
Thu Apr 11 16:07:55 PDT 2013
#38732: gcc48 is broken by configure-timespec.patch
Reporter: howarth@… | Owner: mww@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.3
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Port: gcc48 |
Comment (by howarth@…):
Ouch. By linking libgcc_eh.a into libstdc++, you guys have managed to
cause executables generated by g++-mp-4.8 to use two different unwinders
(which the darwin linker developer[[BR]]
long ago said is forbidden). My understanding is that static linkages of
libgcc_eh will force the FSF gcc unwinder symbols to be used instead of
those from libSystem (which on darwin11/12[[BR]]
will be from the compatibility unwinder). So code inside of the libstdc++
dylib will execute on the FSF gcc unwinder in libgcc_eh.a while other code
modules compiled by g++-mp-4.8 will be [[BR]]
executing on the libSysyem unwinder (which is the desired one).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/38732#comment:23>
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