[MacPorts] #38757: New pianod, wsgw ports
noreply at macports.org
Thu Apr 18 20:31:24 PDT 2013
#38757: New pianod, wsgw ports
Reporter: perette@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: submission | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: pianod wsgw |
Comment (by perette@…):
I defer to you on that question, as it goes to how MacPorts identifies
their role. If MacPorts is just a package installer, then I agree the two
would be independent and the end user can glue them together. But if the
role is to simplify things for the end user, then (like the GNU Autotools
philosophy) a bit more burden on the developer end is favorable if it
eases things for users.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/38757#comment:6>
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