[MacPorts] #38938: Update cadabra and modglue
noreply at macports.org
Fri Apr 26 12:03:32 PDT 2013
#38938: Update cadabra and modglue
Reporter: kasper.peeters@… | Owner: gwright@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: cadabra modglue |
Comment (by larryv@…):
Replying to [comment:5 kasper.peeters@…]:
> I have gcc-4.2 here as well, but if I remember correctly that also
> produced the double-libstdc++ problem.
Let’s make sure we’re talking about the same things. As far as MacPorts
compiler specifications are concerned, `gcc-4.2` refers to Apple’s custom
GCC 4.2 included with Xcode. Apple’s custom GCC 4.2 provided by MacPorts’s
`apple-gcc42` port is referred to as `apple-gcc-4.2`. FSF GCC 4.2 provided
by the MacPorts `gcc42` port is referred to as `macports-gcc-4.2`.
I see no reason why `gcc-4.2` should compile your software differently
than `apple-gcc-4.2`. They are more or less the same software.
> So my question is really: how do I restrict to apple-gcc without
> restricting to a specific version?
The only versions of Apple’s GCC are 4.0 and 4.2; there are no newer ones,
and there never will be. So I think the real question is, how do we (or
you) fix your build process so that it does not link to multiple libstdc++
> (It took me quite some time to pin this down. It may thus be a good
> idea to discuss this problem somewhere more prominently on the
> Macports pages that discuss compiler choices, as I am apparently not
> the only one puzzled by these weird malloc errors. In general, as soon
> as you start excluding the default C++ compiler, all hell breaks
> loose...).
You may want to post a message to the [[MailingLists|macports-dev]]
mailing list.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/38938#comment:6>
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